How Long Does Flooring Last?

Learn how long different types of flooring typically last and how to maximize their lifespan with proper maintenance.

How Long Does Flooring Last?

Hardwood floors can last a lifetime, but the glossy sheen of the original hardwood floors will fade over their lifespan. After about 25 years, you'll notice that it has lost some of its shine. If properly installed and maintained, hardwood floors can last up to 100 years. On the other hand, laminate flooring has an average lifespan of between 15 and 25 years, but it can range from as little as 10 years to 30 years.

The life expectancy of your flooring depends on its quality, installation, and the amount of traffic it receives. Poor maintenance practices, such as using harsh cleaners or not cleaning up spills, can reduce the life of the floor. Laminate floors don't last as long as hardwood floors, which can have a lifespan of around 75 years if properly maintained. Additionally, laminate floors cannot be sanded or repainted like wood.

Once the top layer wears out, it must be replaced. While it cannot match the durability of a hardwood floor, quality laminate flooring can still last more than two decades. The average life expectancy of laminate floors can range from 15 to 25 years, but it can vary greatly depending on many different factors. However, it's worth noting that regardless of the quality of laminate flooring you choose to buy, while it may last 25 years, it will never look the same as when it was first installed.

When deciding on flooring for your home or office space, you may be wondering how long your new floor will last. This is an important advantage over other types of flooring, especially when it comes to bathroom flooring. The subfloor is located just below the visible floor to provide a level and stable surface on which to install the floor, which is often manufactured with soft wood boards, plywood or oriented fiber boards (composed of scrap wood and glue). If you take proper care of your floor and minimize damage exposure, your floor will tend to last longer.

Quality laminate flooring will last more than two decades, but it won't survive a hardwood floor.

Gloria Griffiths
Gloria Griffiths

Wannabe pop culture junkie. Total coffee aficionado. Friendly beer evangelist. Subtly charming coffee trailblazer. Avid coffee buff. Amateur food fanatic.

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